Angel or Demon? Characterizing Variations Across Twitter Timeline of Technical Support Campaigners

web science(2019)

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Technical Support spam, which abuse Web 2.0 and carry out social engineering attacks have been in existence for a very long time, despite several measures taken to thwart such attacks. Although recent research has looked into unveiling tactics employed by spammers to lure victims, damage done on Online Social Networks is largely unexplored. In this paper, we perform the first large-scale study to understand the behavior of technical support spammers, and compare them with the legitimate technical support offered to OSN users by several brands such as Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon.We analyze the spam and legitimate accounts over a period of 20 months, and provide a taxonomy of the different types of spammers that are active in Tech Support spam landscape. We develop an automated mechanism to classify spammers from legitimate accounts, achieving a precision, recall of 99.8%.Our results shed light on the threats associated with billions of users using OSNs from Tech Support spam, and can help researchers and OSN service providers in developing effective countermeasures to fight them.
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