Cвязь маркеров повреждения миокарда и показателей кислородного бюджета с параметрами гемодинамики у пациентов с недостаточностью митрального клапана

Klinicheskaia khirurgiia(2019)

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Objective. Studying of initial level of markers of the myocardium damage (МMD), indices of the oxygen budget and their link with the hemodynamics parameters in patients with the mitral valve insufficiency (MVI). Маterials and methods. There were examined 85 patients, suffering the MVI, who while admittance to hospital were distributed into two groups with subsequent performance of operation of the mitral valve prosthesis. While hospitalization the МMD levels and the oxygen budget indices were measured, also the correlation analysis was conducted for the data and the indices obtained concerning the global longitudinal deformity (GLD) of myocardium, ejection fraction of left ventricle, and cardiaс index. Results. In both groups of the patients examined a strong connection between indices of natriuretic peptide and GLD of myocardium was revealed, and between the indices of natriuretic peptide and the ejection fraction of left ventricle - a significant connection. The levels of alaninaminotransferase and аspartataminotransferase, of creatinephosphatase and МВ-fraction of creatinephosphokinase were closely correlated with the GLD values. At the same time, any connection between the GLD index and the ratio of MB-fraction of creatinephosphatase towards creatinephosphokinase was not revealed. Conclusion. In the patients, suffering MVI, there are no signs of myocardial damage, but more severe disorders of intracardial hemodynamics is parallel to possibility of development of myocardial damage in its overloading.
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