New Regenerating Codes over Binary Cyclic Codes

2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)(2019)

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Regenerating code is a class of erasure codes designed for distributed storage systems that can achieve optimal tradeoff between storage and repair bandwidth. Most existing constructions of regenerating codes are based on a finite field with large enough size. Recently, a new construction of regenerating codes over a binary cyclic code was proposed. It was shown that the new construction has lower computational complexity than the construction based on finite fields. This paper generalizes the construction by designing regenerating codes with binary cyclic codes that support more parameters. We show that the proposed coding method can achieve the fundamental tradeoff curve between the storage and repair bandwidth. We also give an example that an existing construction of regenerating codes can be transformed to a regenerating code over a binary cyclic code with less computational complexity. Furthermore, the proposed coding framework has more design space for exact repair constructions of minimum storage regenerating codes.
new regenerating codes,erasure codes,repair bandwidth,coding method,coding framework,minimum storage regenerating codes,binary cyclic codes
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