A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Extract Finite Planes from 3-D Laser Scans

2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)(2019)

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Whether it is object detection, model reconstruction, laser odometry, or point cloud registration: Plane extraction is a vital component of many robotic systems. In this paper, we propose a strictly probabilistic method to detect finite planes in organized 3-D laser range scans. An agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique, our algorithm builds planes from bottom up, always extending a plane by the point that decreases the measurement likelihood of the scan the least. In contrast to most related methods, which rely on heuristics like orthogonal point-to-plane distance, we leverage the ray path information to compute the measurement likelihood. We evaluate our approach not only on the popular SegComp benchmark, but also provide a challenging synthetic dataset that overcomes SegComp's deficiencies. Both our implementation and the suggested dataset are available at www.github.com/acschaefer/ppe.
measurement likelihood,point-to-plane distance,ray path information,maximum likelihood approach,object detection,model reconstruction,laser odometry,point cloud registration,robotic systems,strictly probabilistic method,agglomerative hierarchical clustering,3-D laser range scans,finite plane extraction,image segmentation
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