Optimizing defence, counter-defence and counter-counter defence in parasitic and trophic interactions -- A modelling study


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In host-pathogen interactions, often the host (attacked organism) defends itself by some toxic compound and the parasite, in turn, responds by producing an enzyme that inactivates that compound. In some cases, the host can respond by producing an inhibitor of that enzyme, which can be considered as a counter-counter defence. An example is provided by cephalosporins, beta-lactamases and clavulanic acid (an inhibitor of beta-lactamases). Here, we tackle the question under which conditions it pays, during evolution, to establish a counter-counter defence rather than to intensify or widen the defence mechanisms. We establish a mathematical model describing this phenomenon, based on enzyme kinetics for competitive inhibition. We use an objective function based on Haber's rule, which says that the toxic effect is proportional to the time integral of toxin concentration. The optimal allocation of defence and counter-counter defence can be calculated in an analytical way despite the nonlinearity in the underlying differential equation. The calculation provides a threshold value for the dissociation constant of the inhibitor. Only if the inhibition constant is below that threshold, that is, in the case of strong binding of the inhibitor, it pays to have a counter-counter defence. This theoretical prediction accounts for the observation that not for all defence mechanisms, a counter-counter defence exists. Our results should be of interest for computing optimal mixtures of beta-lactam antibiotics and beta-lactamase inhibitors such as sulbactam, as well as for plant-herbivore and other molecular-ecological interactions and to fight antibiotic resistance in general.
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