Importance of multicranked configuration mixing for angular-momentum-projection calculations: Study of superdeformed rotational bands in Dy152 and Hg194


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Recently we investigated an effective method of multicranked configuration mixing for angular-momentum-projection calculations, where several cranked mean-field states are coupled after projection: The basic idea was originally proposed by Peierls and Thouless more than fifty years ago. With this method a good description of the rotational band has been achieved in a fully microscopic manner. In the present work, we apply the method to the high-spin superdeformed band, for which a long rotational sequence is observed, and study how a good description is obtained for the rotational spectrum as well as the J((1)) and J((2)) moments of inertia as functions of angular momentum. The Gogny D1S force is employed as an effective interaction, and the yrast superdeformed bands in Dy-152 and Hg-194 are taken as typical examples in the A approximate to 150 and A approximate to 190 regions, respectively. The effect of pairing correlations is examined by the method of variation after particle-number projection to understand the different behaviors of J((2)) moments of inertia observed in these two nuclei. The particle-number projection on top of the angular-momentum projection has been performed for the first time with the multicranked configuration mixing.
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