How do diaspore traits, wind speed and sand surface configuration interact to determine seed burial during wind dispersal?

Plant and Soil(2019)

引用 10|浏览5
Aims How landscape configuration, dispersal agents and diaspore features interact to determine the input of seeds into the soil, which is the first part of the formation of a soil seed bank, is a major challenge. This study explored the role of diaspore traits and sand surface configuration in determining the number of seeds that become buried during wind dispersal. Methods We investigated seed burial probability of 36 species with different diaspore traits under eight wind speeds and three sand surface configurations during wind dispersal by using a wind tunnel. Results Wind speed rather than diaspore traits and sand surface configuration was the most important factor affecting the burial of seeds. Effects of slope direction and surface barrier on seed burial were regulated by wind speed. Effects of diaspore traits on seed burial were only significant at high wind speeds, and seed burial was more likely to be formed for small or flat elongated diaspores than for large or spherical ones. Conclusions The effect of diaspore traits on seed burial is modified by the shifts in wind speed and sand surface configuration.
Diaspore appendage type,Dune configuration,Seed terminal velocity,Wind barrier,Wind speed,Wind tunnel
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