Distributed neural efficiency: Intelligence and age modulate adaptive allocation of resources in the brain

Trends in Neuroscience and Education(2019)

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Whether superior intelligence is associated with global lower resource consumption in the brain remains unresolved. In order to tap fluid intelligence “Gf” cortical networks, 50 neurologically healthy adults were functionally neuro-imaged while solving a modified version of the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices. “Gf” predicted increased activation of key components of the dorsal attention network (DAN); and age predicted extent of simultaneous deactivation in key components of the default mode network (DMN) during problem-solving. However, there was no significant difference in mean levels of whole brain activation even when cognitively taxed. This suggests that the brain may dynamically switch resource consumption between these anti-correlated DAN and DMN networks, concentrating processing power in regions critical to enhanced cognitive performance. We term this mechanism of activation increase and decrease of these anti-correlated DAN/DMN systems, modulated by “Gf” and age, as “distributed neural efficiency”. This may achieve local cost-efficiency trade-offs, while maintaining global energy homeostasis.
Neural efficiency,Task-related dynamic functional connectivity,Fmri,Fluid intelligence
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