Dynamic compression and expansion in a classifying recurrent network


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Recordings of neural circuits in the brain reveal extraordinary dynamical richness and high variability. At the same time, dimensionality reduction techniques generally uncover low-dimensional structures underlying these dynamics when tasks are performed. In general, it is still an open question what determines the dimensionality of activity in neural circuits, and what the functional role of this dimensionality in task learning is. In this work we probe these issues using a recurrent artificial neural network (RNN) model trained by stochastic gradient descent to discriminate inputs. The RNN family of models has recently shown promise in revealing principles behind brain function. Through simulations and mathematical analysis, we show how the dimensionality of RNN activity depends on the task parameters and evolves over time and over stages of learning. We find that common solutions produced by the network naturally compress dimensionality, while variability-inducing chaos can expand it. We show how chaotic networks balance these two factors to solve the discrimination task with high accuracy and good generalization properties. These findings shed light on mechanisms by which artificial neural networks solve tasks while forming compact representations that may generalize well.
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