The Problem Of Overpopulation: Proenvironmental Concerns And Behavior Predict Reproductive Attitudes


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Human overpopulation continues to be a pressing problem for the health and viability of the environment, which impacts the survival and well-being of human populations. Limiting the number of offspring one produces or deciding to remain child-free may be viewed as a proenvironmental behavior (PEB) that can significantly reduce one's carbon footprint. Nonetheless, few researchers have examined the relations between environmental concerns, reported PEB, and reproductive attitudes. The goal of the current study was to examine the above relations in a sample of 200 Canadian undergraduates. Environmental concern as part of an ecologically conscious worldview (the New Ecological Paradigm) was found to negatively predict pro-reproductive attitudes. In contrast, more self-oriented (egoistic) and human-centric (altruistic) environmental concerns positively predicted pro-reproductive attitudes. Additionally, self-reported PEB was found to negatively predict pro-reproductive attitudes. All of the above relations were found to be statistically significant while controlling for the influence of age, sex, and religious status. These findings add to a limited empirical literature on environmental concerns, PEB, and attitudes toward reproducing, which can help inform discussion regarding the environmental issues associated with human overpopulation and potential ways to mitigate these dilemmas.
New Ecological Paradigm, Environmental concern, Proenvironmental behavior, Reproductive attitudes, Human overpopulation
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