Learning Physical Human-Robot Interaction With Coupled Cooperative Primitives for a Lower Exoskeleton

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(2019)

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Human-powered lower exoskeletons have received considerable interests from both academia and industry over the past decades, and encountered increasing applications in human locomotion assistance and strength augmentation. One of the most important aspects in those applications is to achieve robust control of lower exoskeletons, which, in the first place, requires the proactive modeling of human movement trajectories through physical human-robot interaction (pHRI). As a powerful representative tool for motion trajectories, dynamic movement primitives (DMP) have been used to model human movement trajectories. However, canonical DMP only offers a general representation of human movement trajectory and may neglects the interactive term, therefore it cannot be directly applied to lower exoskeletons which need to track human joint trajectories online, because different pilots have different trajectories and even same pilot might change his/her motion during walking. This paper presents a novel coupled cooperative primitive (CCP) strategy, which aims at modeling the motion trajectories online. Besides maintaining canonical motion primitives, we model the interaction term between the pilot and exoskeletons through impedance models, and propose a reinforcement learning method based on policy improvement and path integrals (PI²) to learn the parameters online. Experimental results on both a single degree-of-freedom platform and a HUman-powered Augmentation Lower EXoskeleton (HUALEX) system demonstrate the advantages of our proposed CCP scheme.
Exoskeletons,Trajectory,Modulation,Adaptation models,Robots,Reinforcement learning,Impedance
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