Somatic mutation landscape reveals differential variability of cell-of-origin for primary liver cancer


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Background: Primary liver tissue cancers display consistent increase in global disease burden and mortality. Identification of cell-of-origins for primary liver cancers would be a necessity to expand options for designing relevant therapeutics and preventive medicine for these cancer types. Previous reports on cell-of-origin for primary liver cancers was mainly from animal studies, and integrative research utilizing human specimen data was poorly established. Methods: We analyzed a whole-genome sequencing data set for a total of 363 tumor and progenitor tissues along with 423 normal tissue epigenomic marks to predict the cell-of-origin for primary liver cancer subtypes. Results: Despite the mixed histological features, the predicted cell-of-origin for mixed hepatocellular carcinoma / intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma were uniformly predicted as a hepatocytic origin. Individual sample-level prediction revealed differential level of cell-of-origin heterogeneity depending on the primary liver cancer types, with more heterogeneity observed in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Additional analyses on the whole genome sequencing data of hepatic progenitor cells suggest these progenitor cells might not a direct cell-of-origin for liver cancers. Conclusions: These results provide novel insights on the heterogeneous nature and potential contributors of cell-of-origin predictions for primary liver cancers.
Cell-of-origin,Primary liver cancer,Whole genome sequencing,Epigenomics,Cancer genomics
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