Tai Chi for People with COPD: A comparison of baseline characteristics with standard Pulmonary Rehabilitation attendees

Keir Philip,Claire Davey, Brendan De Luca, Lucy Gardiner,Rishi Gupta,Jane Simpson


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Introduction: Physical activity is a core component of COPD management, however, individuals often find standard pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) challenging, resulting in poor initial attendance and high levels of attrition. Our respiratory service provides a Tai Chi programme, which is primarily, but not exclusively, for individuals unable/unwilling to participate in standard PR. Methods: We compared baseline characteristics of participants from this programme with national PR participant baseline data, to assess similarities and differences between these groups. Results: Tai Chi programme baseline data included 88 participants, 59% female, 68% white British. Median values for key variables included age 68, FEV1%predicted 64%, FEV1/FVC ratio 0.64, 6MWT 185m, CAT score 29. Excluding individuals who attended no sessions (n=16), 50% completed the entire programme (median sessions attended 9). National PR baseline data included 47% female, 94% white British. Median values for the same variables included: age 70, FEV1% predicted 55, FEV1/FVC ratio 0.60, 6MWT 240m, CAT score 22, sessions attended 10. Conclusions: The Tai Chi group had had higher CAT scores and lower 6MWT results, however, median lung function results were similar compared with standard PR participants. The lower percentage of white British participants is representative of our local population. These data suggest people with more severe functional impairment, unable/unwilling to do standard PR, may consider and participate in Tai Chi as an alternative form of physical activity.
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