Scientific Domain Knowledge Improves Exoplanet Transit Classification with Deep Learning


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Space-based missions such as Kepler, and soon TESS, provide large datasets that must be analyzed efficiently and systematically. Recent work by Shallue Vanderburg (2018) successfully used state-of-the-art deep learning models to automatically classify Kepler transit signals as either exoplanets or false positives; our application of their model yielded 95.8 average precision. Here we expand upon that work by including additional scientific domain knowledge into the network architecture and input representations to significantly increase overall model performance to 97.5 accuracy and 98.0 recall for the lowest signal-to-noise transits that can correspond to rocky planets in the habitable zone. We input into the network centroid time-series information derived from Kepler data plus key stellar parameters taken from the Kepler DR25 catalogue. We also implement data augmentation techniques to alleviate model over-fitting. These improvements allow us to drastically reduce the size of the model, while still maintaining improved performance; smaller models are better for generalization, for example from Kepler to TESS data. This work illustrates the importance of including expert domain knowledge in even state-of-the-art deep learning models when applying them to scientific research problems that seek to identify weak signals in noisy data. This classification tool will be especially useful for upcoming space-based photometry missions focused on finding small planets, such as TESS and PLATO.
methods: data analysis,planets and satellites: detection,techniques: photometric
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