Radiation burden on the thyroid during DaTScan SPECT imaging for patients with and without Lugol’s Solution

Jennifer Shull,Erin Beloin


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2830 Objectives DaTscan is used to confirm a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. According to the SNMMI DaTscan protocol and guidelines, the patient is given Lugol’s solution equivalent to 100mg of iodide to fully saturate the thyroid to protect it from radiation exposure. The objective is to understand what levels of radiation burden the thyroid receives when the patient is allergic to iodine and therefore cannot take the Lugol’s solution. Methods Two case studies were examined to compare and contrast patients who had received Lugol’s as opposed to patients who had not, both of which were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Along with the case studies, journal articles were examined concerning the use of Lugol’s solution during DaTScan SPECT imaging. Results Both patients presented with little to no uptake in the putamen and caudate nuclei which are consistent with a Parkinsonian syndrome. During the imaging procedure the patient who did not receive Lugol’s had an extra image taken of the thyroid proving that most of the uptake was in the thyroid. Conclusions Radiation burden is a major issue in healthcare today. The case studies listed above have proven that the thyroid can be exposed to high levels of radiation during DaTscan imaging when a Lugol’s solution is not given. For this reason further research is suggested on how to decrease the radiation burden for patients who are unable to take the Lugol’s solution during DaTscan imaging.
Diagnostic Imaging
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