RETRACTION of "Correlation analysis between an IL-6 genetic polymorphism and non-small cell lung cancer prognosis", by Zhao K, Xu J, Tian H published in Genetics and Molecular Research 15 (1): 15017021 (2016) DOI: 10.4238/gmr.15017021.

K. Zhao,J. Xu, H. Tian

Genetics and molecular research : GMR(2016)

引用 1|浏览9
Zhao Kai, first author wishes to retract the following article: Zhao K, Xu J and Tian H (2016). Correlation analysis between an IL-6 genetic polymorphism and non-small cell lung cancer prognosis. Genet. Mol. Res. 15: gmr.15017021 According to the author, the reasons for the retraction are as follows: - All patients enrolled in the study received surgical resection and lymph node dissection. So the patients' information was incorrect. Then, the corresponding information and data need to be collected again and reanalyzed. - The P value for Figure 1 was calculated by the log-rank test. Since the data need to be reanalyzed, the 95% confidence intervals for the average survival times also need to be recalculated. - The author intends to synthesize new primer sequences for the genotyping of the IL-6 SNPs and restart the detection. The follow-up data need to be collected again and then the survival analysis also needs to be reanalyzed and investigate IL-6 levels in the patients to determine if the levels of IL-6 correlate with the survival effects. The first author contacted GMR to voluntarily report this inaccuracy and to request a retraction. He takes full responsibility for the error and apologizes to the journal, its readers, and the other authors.
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