Revisiting Mobile Advertising Threats with MAdLife

WWW '19: The Web Conference on The World Wide Web Conference WWW 2019(2019)

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Online advertising is one of the primary sources of funding for content, services, and applications on both web and mobile platforms. Mobile in-app advertisements are implemented on top of existing web technologies with the same ad-serving model (i.e., users - publishers - ad networks - advertisers). Even so, in-app advertising is different from traditional web advertising. For example, malicious mobile app developers can generate fraudulent ad clicks in an automated fashion, but malicious web publishers have to leverage bots to launch click fraud. In spite of using the same underlying web infrastructure, these ad threats behave differently on different platforms. Existing works have separately studied click fraud and malvertising in mobile settings. However, it is not known if there is a strong relationship between these two dominant threats. In this paper, we develop an ad collection framework - MAdLife- on Android to capture all in-app ad traffic generated during each ad's entire lifespan. We revisit both threats in a fine-grained manner with MAdLife to determine the relationship between them. Furthermore, MAdLife also allows us to explore other threats related to landing pages. We analyzed 5.7K Android apps crawled from Google Play store, and collected 83K ads and their landing pages with MAdLife. 58K ads land on a web page, which is similar to traditional web ads. We discovered 37 click-fraud apps, and revealed that 1.49% of the 58K ads are related to malvertising. We also found a strong correlation between fraudulent apps and malicious ads. Specifically, over 15.44% of malicious ads originate from the fraudulent apps. Conversely, 18.36% of the ads displayed in the fraudulent apps are malicious, compared to only 1.28% found in the rest apps. Due to fraudulent apps, users are much more (14x) likely to encounter malvertising ads. Additionally, we discovered 243 popular JavaScript snippets embedded by over 10% of the landing pages are malicious. Finally, we also present the first analysis on inappropriate mobile in-app ads.
Ad Fraud, Malvertising, Measurement, Mobile Apps, Online Advertising
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