Fine-Tuning of MiR528 Accumulation Modulates Flowering Time in Rice.

Molecular plant(2019)

引用 54|浏览70
In plants, microRNA (miRNA) functions in the post-transcriptional repression of target mRNAs have been well explored. However, the mechanisms regulating the accumulation of miRNAs remain poorly understood. Here, we report that distinct mechanisms regulate accumulation of a monocot-specific miRNA, rice (Oryza sativa) miR528. At the transcriptional level, miR528 accumulated to higher levels in older plants than in young seedlings and exhibited aging-modulated gradual accumulation and diurnal rhythms in leaves; at the post-transcriptional level, aging also modulated miR528 levels by enhancing pri-miR528 alternative splicing. We found that miR528 promotes rice flowering under long-day conditions by targeting RED AND FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 2 (OsRFI2). Moreover, natural variations in the MIR528 promoter region caused differences in miR528 expression among rice varieties, which are correlated with their different binding affinities with the transcription factor OsSPL9 that activates the expression of miR528. Taken together, our findings reveal rice plants have evolved sophisticated modes fine-tuning miR528 levels and provide insight into the mechanisms that regulate MIRNA expression in plants.
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