Performance overhead of container orchestration frameworks for management of multi-tenant database deployments.


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The most preferred approach in the literature on service-level objectives for multi-tenant databases is to group tenants according to their SLA class in separate database processes and find optimal co-placement of tenants across a cluster of nodes. To implement performance isolation between co-located database processes, request scheduling is preferred over hypervisor-based virtualization that introduces a significant performance overhead. A relevant question is whether the more light-weight container technology such as Docker is a viable alternative for running high-end performance database workloads. Moreover, the recent uprise and industry adoption of container orchestration (CO) frameworks for the purpose of automated placement of cloud-based applications raises the question what is the additional performance overhead of CO frameworks in this context. In this paper, we evaluate the performance overhead introduced by Docker engine and two representative CO frameworks, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, when running and managing a CPU-bound Cassandra workload in OpenStack. Firstly, we have found that Docker engine deployments that run in host mode exhibit negligible performance overhead in comparison to native OpenStack deployments. Secondly, we have found that virtual IP networking introduces a substantial overhead in Docker Swarm and Kubernetes due to virtual network bridges when compared to Docker engine deployments. This demands for service networking approaches that run in true host mode but offer support for network isolation between containers. Thirdly, volume plugins for persistent storage have a large impact on the overall resource model of a database workload; more specifically, we show that a CPU-bound Cassandra workload changes into an I/O-bound workload in both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes because their local volume plugins introduce a disk I/O performance bottleneck that does not appear in Docker engine deployments. These findings imply that solved placement decisions for native or Docker engine deployments cannot be reused for Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
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