Abstract 18519: Is Amplitude Spectrum Area (AMSA) Affected by Various Depth and Rate of Chest Compressions


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Introduction: Amplitude Spectrum Area (AMSA) is a proposed ECG-based indicator of ventricular activity during ventricular fibrillation (VF), which has demonstrated its value for prediction of effect of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. In experimental pig studies, AMSA values u003e21 mV/Hz has been shown to be associated with higher probability of regaining return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Hypothesis: Changes in depth and rate will change the AMSA values and thus affect defibrillation success in a pig model of cardiac arrest. Methods: After VF induction, pigs were left untreated for 5 min after which chest compression started with three different chest compression patterns in a randomized fashion where the Group 5/120 received 5 cm compressions depth with a rate at 120/min, Group 4/120 received 4 cm compression depth at a rate of 120/min and Group 5/100 received a 5 cm compressions depth at a rate of 100/min. AMSA was calculated during 20 minutes of chest compressions prior to defibrillation. Results: ...
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