IoT Security: ZWave and Thread

2018 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech)(2018)

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This paper reviews the security aspects of two Internet-of-Things (IoT) protocols, Z-Wave and Thread. Z-Wave is one of the oldest and most commercially successful IoT protocol, while Thread is one of the most recent protocols. As millions of IoT systems are installed for home and industrial automation, the security of these IoT systems is a concern. There is a potential for these IoT systems to be misused. This paper looks at security challenges for an IoT system. The security features of the IoT systems are spread across many parts of the IoT protocols. Paper discusses different attacks types on the IoT systems and the manners in which the protocols handle them. One of the most venerable times for an IoT system is when a new device is added to the IoT system. To avoid an intruder from getting access, the new device must be authenticated. Authentication of new network devices is discussed for both the protocols. IoT protocols are complex and the security aspects are also very complex, this paper should serve as a starting point to further study these and other IoT protocols.
Internet of things,IoT,Z-Wave,Thread,Thread group,private area network
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