Asset Maps: A Simple Tool for Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Populations in Computer Science (Abstract Only).

SIGCSE '18: The 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Baltimore Maryland USA February, 2018(2018)

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Asset maps serve as a simple, yet impactful tool for helping underrepresented groups connect with important people, programs, and resources that would support their recruitment and retention in computing. At the end of this talk, individuals will walk away with a list of steps that they can use to develop a comprehensive map that could be distributed immediately to current and future computer science majors (including high school seniors). These steps include identifying current assets within an array of existing categories (e.g., tutoring centers, individual faculty mentors, local chapters of computing associations) designed to help mappers think expansively about existing supports. Additional steps involve reviewing contact lists and asking others to assist in the identification of assets, performing internet searches of the school/organization website looking for key words, and reading through the university directory to highlight offices that work on diversity issues or support the individuals targeted. The assets can be plotted directly onto a campus map and supplied to underrepresented groups so they are aware of and can locate the resources and supports available to them. (An enhancement would be an online version that links directly to web pages, contact information, and directions to further increase the accessibility of supports.)
asset map,underrepresented groups,recruitment,retention,higher education
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