Épilepsie et brûlure : épidémiologie et interactions.

S Brosset, M Vantomme,R Viard, R Aimard, A Mertens,J P Comparin,D Voulliaume

Annals of burns and fire disasters(2018)

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A retrospective study was conducted to assess the interactions between epileptic seizure and burn. The study was conducted on all patients treated at the Saint Luc Saint Joseph Hospital Burn Unit from 2000 to 2015 with a diagnosis of epilepsy. Forty-eight cases associating burns and epilepsy were reviewed. Twenty-eight patients had a burn following an epileptic seizure. The average age was 43, and the burned area was 9%. Injuries resulted from contact with hot surface (32%), scald burn (50% - 32% with cooking water and 17.8% by accidental exposure to hot tap water (shower)). Burns by flames were rare (4 cases/28: 14.3%). The burns were deep, and all required surgical treatment by excision - split thickness skin graft. All the cases of tap water burns occurred before 2010 and the changes to hot tap water temperature legislation. Three patients presented a new epileptic seizure during their hospitalization. Primary prevention of domestic accidents, particularly regulation of hot tap water temperature, appears effective. Educating epileptic patients on the importance of therapeutic compliance and the elimination of risky activities during periods of therapeutic modification should further reduce the incidence of seizure-related burns.
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