Hardiness vs Alienation Personality Construct Essentially Explains Burnout Proclivity and Erroneous Computer Entry Problems in Rural Hellenic Hospital Labs

Angela–M. Paleologou, Aphrodite Dellaporta

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering(2009)

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1 'e-errors', 'e-use', and their pertinent connotations with the 'e-' prefix is an arbitrary selection of words chosen here to briefly and concisely refer to asynchronous use of electronic laboratory information systems for hospital functions and to describe the mistakes (if any) made by the lab staff while recording patient cases in lab computers. For this article the choice seeks its origin from more popular uses of the same 'e' prefix as, for example, in the meaning of 'e-health' or 'ehealth', and draws its meaningfulness especially from accredited Journals as: Topics in Health Information Management, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Artificial Intelligence in undermine the relationship between patients and their doctors, as well as the medical staff in general, while undervaluing the very credibility of the entire health system. Are such e-errors random, and do lab professionals make them quite accidentally and indiscriminately, or can these e-errors be traced on the basis of some meaningful determinants? Drawing from distant theories in the realm of psychology bordering philosophy (1) on the internal causality of mistakes, it may be suspected that monitoring hospital lab e-errors might need specific causal ascriptions instead of just accepting them as some inescapable occurrences. That 'To Err is Human' as the US Institute of Medicine report has remarked since 1999 while joylessly ascertaining e-errors' occurrences (2) is surely indisputable. However, concurrent critical global organizational changes that occur in bewildering rapidity within the health system, e-errors appear too prohibitively expensive to confute thorough and, indeed, multidimensional contemplation (3). That is, it gradually appears even simplistic to look just for the cost of isolated consequences of e-errors, such as timing and transportation issues for the hospital staff or the patients; or just for partial accumulating costs of e.g., reactors; or even look just for aspects of (any lack of) technical equipment for effective e-recordings; or, still, look just for facets involving the mere screening for everyday occupational stressors and hazards. Despite the usefulness of such aspects, confinement to investigating them does not appear to suffice. Although previous studies (5),(18) and (19), exploring such issues are instructive for mapping the area, however, they still seem to leave out possible deeper causes of erroneous e-use performances. Personality determinants, and, in particular, the Hardiness-vs-Alienation compound may be thought of as such deeper causality factors potentially able to explain both, e-use performance and proclivity to burnout of sensitive laboratory professionals.
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