Inter-comparison between retrospective ensemble streamflow forecasts using meteorological inputs from ECMWF and NOAA/ESRL in the Hudson River sub-basins during Hurricane Irene (2011)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the benefits of using multi-model meteorological ensembles in representing the uncertainty of hydrologic forecasts. An inter-comparison experiment was performed using meteorological inputs from different models corresponding to Hurricane Irene (2011), over three sub-basins of the Hudson River basin. The ensemble-based precipitation inputs were used as forcing in a hydrological model to retrospectively forecast hourly streamflow, with a 96-hour lead time. The inputs consisted of 73 ensemble members, namely one high-resolution ECMWF deterministic member, 51 ECMWF members and 21 NOAA/ESRL (GEFS Reforecasts v2) members. The precipitation inputs were resampled to a common grid using the bilinear resampling method that was selected upon analysing different resampling methods. The results show the advantages of forcing hydrologic forecasting systems with multi-model ensemble forecasts over using deterministic and single model ensemble forecasts. The work showed that using the median of all 73 ensemble streamflow forecasts relatively improved the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency and lowered the biases across the examined sub-basins, compared with using the ensemble median from an individual model. This research contributes to the growing literature that demonstrates the promising capabilities of multi-model systems to better describe the uncertainty in streamflow predictions.
ECMWF,HEC-HMS,Hurricane Irene,NOAA/ESRL GEFS,spatial resolution,streamflow ensemble forecasts
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