Deterministic and stochastic simulators for non-isotropic V2V-MIMO wideband channels

China Communications(2018)

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In this paper, we consider a novel two-dimensional (2D) geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wideband fading channels. The proposed model employs the combination of a two-ring model and a multiple confocal ellipses model, where the signal is sum of the line-of-sight (LoS) component, single-bounced (SB) rays, and double-bounced (DB) rays. Based on the reference model, we derive some expressions of channel statistical properties, including space-time correlation function (STCF), Doppler spectral power density (DPSD), envelope level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD). In addition, corresponding deterministic and stochastic simulation models are developed based on the reference model. Moreover, we compare the statistical properties of the reference model and the two simulation models in different scenarios and investigate the impact of different vehicular traffic densities (VTDs) on the channel statistical properties of the proposed model. Finally, the great agreement between simulation models and the reference model demonstrates not only the utility of simulation models, but also the correctness of theoretical derivations and simulations.
Wideband,Two dimensional displays,Vehicular ad hoc networks,Analytical models,Narrowband,Stochastic processes,Channel models
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