Computational fluid dynamic analysis reveals the underlying physical forces playing a role in 3D multiplex brain organoid cultures


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Organoid cultivation in suspension culture requires agitation at low shear stress to allow for nutrient diffusion, which preserves tissue structure. Multiplex systems for organoid cultivation have been proposed, but whether they meet similar shear stress parameters as the regularly used spinner flask and its correlation with the successful generation of brain organoids, has not been determined. Herein, we used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis to compare two multiplex culture conditions: steering plates on an orbital shaker and the use of a previously described bioreactor. The bioreactor had low speed and high shear stress regions that may affect cell aggregate growth, depending on volume, whereas the CFD parameters of the steering plates were closest to the parameters of the spinning flask. Our protocol improves the initial steps of the standard brain organoid formation, and organoids produced therefrom displayed regionalized brain structures, including retinal pigmented cells. Overall, we conclude that suspension culture on orbital steering plates is a cost-effective practical alternative to previously described platforms for the cultivation of brain organoids for research and multiplex testing.
brain organoids,multiplex culture,stem cell research,computational fluid dynamics analysis
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