Abstract 570: Macrophage Catabolism of Aggregated Lipoproteins Using a Novel Extracellular Compartment Regulates Lipid Accumulation During Atherosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology(2017)

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Despite impressive advances in research, prevention, and treatment, atherosclerotic vascular disease remains the leading cause of death in the developed world. Mechanisms of cholesterol accumulation in the arteries have been studied intensively, but the in vivo contributions of different pathways leading to lipid accumulation and foam cell formation are not understood. In the arteries, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is aggregated and bound to the extracellular matrix. When such aggregated LDL is presented to macrophages, they form a novel acidic, hydrolytic compartment that is topologically extracellular, to which lysosomal enzymes are secreted. Such compartments are observed in vivo in murine atherosclerotic plaque macrophages interacting with cholesterol rich deposits. Using state-of-the-art quantitative and high resolution microscopy techniques, characterization of compartment morphology reveals how macrophages use local actin polymerization to drive plasma membrane remodeling at the interface with aggregated LDL. This leads to sequestration of aggregated LDL into topologically convoluted structures that allow acidification, catabolism and internalization of LDL. We find that a TLR4/MyD88/Syk/PI3 kinase/Akt dependent signaling pathway in macrophages regulates the formation of such catabolic compartments. Consistent with this, deficiency of TLR4 in vivo can protect macrophages from lipid accumulation in murine atherosclerotic plaques. Herein, we provide compelling evidence for a novel form of catabolism that macrophages use to degrade aggregated LDL in vivo during atherosclerosis and this process leads to foam cell formation, cell death and promotes disease progression.
Arteriosclerosis,LDL,Cell signaling
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