The influence of geographical and clinical factors on decisions to use surgical mesh in operations for pelvic organ prolapse

Total Quality Management & Business Excellence(2018)

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Background: Surgical mesh can reinforce damaged biological structures in operations for genital organ prolapse. The first mesh products were cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002. In contrast to stringent requirements for the development of pharmaceuticals, there was never a systematic scientific evaluation of mesh products. Purpose: We examined whether Swedish gynecological surgeons have transformed increasing amounts of scientific information into common learning, resulting in a convergent and consistent pattern of mesh use. Methods: Based on data from the Swedish National Quality Register of Gynecological Surgery, registered from 2010 to 2016, we examined changes in decisions to use mesh in a largely uniform group of 2864 recurrence patients operated by 455 surgeons, where surgical mesh was used in 1435 patients (50.1%). By means of logistic regression, we explained decisions to use mesh by clinical risk factors, an FDA warning, year of surgery, type of hospital, and geographical fac...
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