High-resolution repertoire analysis of Tfr and Tfh cells reveals unexpectedly high diversities indicating a bystander activation of follicular T cells


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T follicular helper (Tfh) and regulatory (Tfr) cells regulate B cell activation and ultimately antibody production. While concordant results show that Tfh cells are specific for the immunizing antigens, limited and even controversial results have been reported regarding the specificity of Tfr cells. Here we used high-throughput T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing to address this issue. We observed that although the Tfh- and Tfr-cell repertoires are less diverse than those of effector (Teff) and regulatory T (Treg) cells, they still represent thousands of clonotypes after immunization with a single antigen. T-cell receptor beta variable (TRBV) gene usage distinguishes both follicular T cells (Tfol) from non-Tfol cells, as well as helper (Teff and Tfh) vs. regulatory (Treg and Tfr) cells. Analysis of the sharing of clonotypes between samples revealed that a specific response to the immunizing antigen can only be detected in Tfh cells immunized with a non-self-antigen and Tfr cells immunized with a self-antigen. Finally, the Tfr TCR repertoire is more similar to that of Tregs than to that of Tfh or Teff cells. Altogether, our results highlight a bystander Tfol-cell activation during antigenic response in the germinal centres and support the Treg cell origin of Tfr cells.
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