Writing an acoustics textbook under the ASA Press/Springer contract

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(2017)

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The Acoustical Society’s Books + Committee decided to add first editions to their “classic reprints.” After a search process, the ASA decided that it was in the best interests of that project to team with Springer. A contract between ASA and Springer was signed in May 2013 creating a mechanism by which ASA members could propose and write new books. Members, student members, or registered meeting attendees could purchase paperback versions of those books produced under that contract for $24.99. Having just published my acoustics textbook [Understanding Acoustics; ISBN 978-3-319-49976-5], I will report on my experiences during the entire process, which begins with a book proposal. If the Committee believes that the proposed book would serve the interests of the membership, an individual contract is signed. Springer provides a “template” in MSWordâ or LaTEX format. I used the Word version that operated like any *.docx. Once the manuscript was complete, two ASA members were assigned as content editors for the...
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