The Change of Coronary Grafting Strategy in a Single Institution Almost 20 Years Prior

Heart, Lung and Circulation(2017)

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Purpose: The predominant technique of coronary bypass grafting (CABG) worldwide is a single internal mammary artery and supplementary saphenous vein grafts (SVG). Exclusive use of total arterial revascularisation (TAR) is rare. Methods: A single centre experience 1996-2003 for CABG was analysed from institutional databases. Results: There were 8242 participants, with those receiving TAR (n = 6112) and any use of SVG (n = 2100). Radial artery (RA) in SVG participants was 65.8% and for TAR was 86.1%. Of 25828 anastomoses performed, IMA was 44.1%, RA 44.4% and SVG 11.5%. Use of RA in 1996 was 58% and thereafter was > 81.5%. In 1996 TAR was 40.2% but in all the remaining years TAR was 73.4 – 86.7%. TAR by surgeon was as low as 7.5% and 27.2% in two who retired in 1996 for the remainder was 56.2 – 97.9%. Conclusion: A dramatic change in practice occurred in 1996 which was sustained and broadly applicable for the remainder of the study period. High rates of total arterial revascularisation were achieved.
coronary grafting strategy
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