Transcriptional control by Sall4 in blastocysts facilitates lineage commitment of inner cell mass cells


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The enhancer-binding zinc finger transcription factor Sall4 is essential for early mammalian post-implantation development and plays important roles in lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells. Enhancer binding by Sall4 results in transcriptional activation of some genes, but repression of others. Exactly how cells in preimplantation stage embryos use this transcriptional modulatory activity of Sall4 during early developmental transitions has not been determined. Using single cell gene expression analyses we show that Sall4 is required to maintain the gene regulatory network in inner cell mass (ICM) cells prior to lineage commitment. Although Sall4 is not required for ICM cells to adopt a correct epiblast or primitive endoderm gene expression profile, in the absence of Sall4 early ICM cells commit to either lineage at reduced frequency. We propose a model whereby Sall4 activity sets the stage for efficient progression from the uncommitted ICM progenitor state by modulating the gene regulatory network in early ICM cells.
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