Numerical modeling of lower hybrid current drive in fully non-inductive plasma start-up experiments on TST-2


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Non-inductive plasma start-up is a critical issue for spherical tokamaks since there is not enough room to provide neutron shielding for the center solenoid. Start-up using lower hybrid (LH) waves has been studied on the TST-2 spherical tokamak. Because of the low magnetic field of a spherical tokamak, the plasma density needs to be kept at a very low value during the plasma current ramp-up so that the plasma core remains accessible to the LH waves. However, we have found that higher density was required to sustain larger plasma current. The achievable plasma current was limited by the maximum operational toroidal field of TST-2. The existence of an optimum density for LH current drive and its toroidal field dependence is explained through a numerical simulation based on a ray tracing code and a Fokker-Planck solver. In order to access higher density at the same magnetic field, a top-launch antenna was recently installed in addition to the existing outboard-launch antenna. Increase in the density limit was observed when the power was launched from the top antenna, consistently with the numerical predictions.
spherical tokamak,lower hybrid current drive,non-inductive plasma start-up,numerical simulation,bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck simulation
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