Assertive interventions for first episode psychoses: The Danish experience

European Psychiatry(2017)

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Early Intervention services with team-based intensive case management and family involvement are superior to standard treatment in reducing psychotic and negative symptoms and comorbid substance abuse and improving social functioning and user satisfaction. The results of the OPUS-trial will be presented together with meta-analyses based on similar trials. The implementation of OPUS all over Denmark will be presented together with the Danish OPUS-fidelity study. Specialized elements are being are being developed such as inclusion of new methods in CBT for psychotic and negative symptoms, neurocognitive and social cognitive training programs, interventions for supported employment and focus on physical health. Results of long term follow-up studies indicate that the prognosis of first episode psychosis is very diverse with the extremes represented by one group being well functioning and able to quit medication without relapse; and another group having a long term chronic course of illness with a need for support to maintain daily activities. The Danish TAILOR-trial–testing dose reduction versus maintenance therapy will be presented. It will be of immense value to be able to intervene in risk groups identified in the premorbid phase, and there are few examples of ongoing trial for children of parent with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
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