Adjustable self-loop on discrete-time quantum walk and its application in spatial search

arXiv: Quantum Physics(2017)

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How self-loops on vertices affect quantum walks is an interesting issue, and self-loops play important roles in quantum walk based algorithms. However, the original model that adjusting the effect of self-loops by changing their number has limitations. For example, the effect of self-loops cannot be adjusted continuously, for their number must be an integer. In this paper, we proposed a model of adjustable self-loop on discrete-time quantum walk, whose weight is controlled by a real parameter in the coin operator. The proposed method not only generalises the situations where the number of self-loops is an integer, but also provides a way to adjust the weight of the self-loop continuously. It enhances the potential of self-loops in applications. For instance, we improve the success rate of the quantum walk based search on a 20×20 two-dimension lattice from 23.6% to 97.2% by the proposed method. And the success rate of the improved search, which only scales as O(1/logN) before being improved, even increases slightly with the size of the lattice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such an improvement is achieved on the quantum walk based spatial search.
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