Experiments with By-Catch Reduction Devices to Exclude Diamondback Terrapins and Retain Blue Crabs

Estuaries and Coasts(2017)

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Experiments were completed in SE Virginia during June–July 2014 and 2015 to examine the responses of blue crabs ( Callinectes sapidus ) and diamondback terrapins ( Malaclemys terrapin ) to commercial-style crab pots modified in visual and other ways that might attract and retain crabs while excluding terrapins as by-catch. In a seawater tank, far fewer crabs entered crab pots fitted with red plastic by-catch reduction devices (BRDs), relative to pots without BRDs. Crab retention times, however, were significantly longer in pots fitted with red BRDs. In a second experiment, fewer terrapins entered crab pots with funnels painted red relative to black. From a field pilot study, the legal crab catch from pots with red BRDs was similar to pots without BRDs, and terrapin by-catch was reduced. Relative to those treatments, fewer crabs and more terrapins were captured in pots with orange BRDs and blue BRDs, and in pots with a magnetic field directed into the funnel openings. Based on these results, a final field trial yielded comparable crab catch from 15 pots without BRDs and 15 pots fitted with red plastic BRDs. Of a by-catch of 68 terrapins, 58 were from pots without BRDs. The structure and color of BRDs can exclude most terrapins; because crab retention rates are high, the net effect of BRDs on crab catch is relatively minor, even though fewer crabs may enter pots fitted with BRDs.
Blue crab,Diamondback terrapin,By-catch reduction device,Crab pot,Fisheries management
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