Advance Agro- Techniques for Yield Efficiency and Economics of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Crop for Chhattisgarh Plains

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2017)

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The experiment has been conducted on the experimental field of Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur under split-split plot design along with three replications in the year 2010-11 and 2011-12 during the Rabi season in potato crops (Solanum tuberosum). Irrigation (three treatments) as a main plot, weed management (four treatments) as a sub plot and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) (four treatments) has been taken as sub-sub plot in the spacing of 60x20cm on the variety Chipsona-2. Total combined plots were 3x4x4x3=144. The parameters have been taken: growth parameter i.e. CGR, tuberization efficiency, weed parameters: weed index, weed control efficiency, nutrient uptake, yield and yield Attributes i.e. No. of Stolen/plant, no. of tubers/plants, tuber yield/ha and economics. The result revealed that the significantly higher CGR, tuberization efficiency, nutrient uptake by plants, yield has been found under the 75% N (inorganic) + 25% N (poultry manure) + PSB + Azotobactor in sub-sub plot, the herbicide metribuzin found most efficient and effective than the other herbicide i.e. under sub plot. Drip irrigation has been found significant than other method of Irrigation; on the different parameter of growth, yield and yield attributes as well. The recommendation of the study is potato crop performed better under drip irrigation100 and 125 % of OPE, 75% N (inorganic) + 25% N (poultry manure) + PSB + Azotobactor with application of metribuzin (500g a.i ha-1) herbicide with the spacing of 60x20 cm for the plains of Chhattisgarh.
solanum tuberosum,yield efficiency,potato
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