Dynamics of phosphorus accumulation in maize inbred lines grain

Selekcija i Semenarstvo(2016)

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Mineral elements deficiency in food can cause serious health problems. Being one of the three most importatnt macroelements for plant nutrition, phosphorus is involved in several key processes: photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis of starch, transport of carbohydrates and products of photosynthesis, cell division and increased water utilization. The objective of this study was to estimate the dynamics of inorganic phosphorus (Pi), as a precursor in the synthesis of phytic acid, and phytic phosphorus (Pphy) accumulation during the grain filling of two maize inbred lines differing in FAO maturity groups - L217 and L773. In addition, possible linkage between phosphorus content in grain and agro-morphological performances was observed. For the analysis of the dynamics in Pi and Pphy contents, seed samples were taken at 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th day after the polination. The obtained results showed a continuous decline of Pi content in both genotypes, with the most intensive decline observed at the first interval (e.i. 15-30 days) after the polination. The trend observed was much more pronounced in L217. Moreover, this inbred acheaved higher grain yield for 61.8 % at first sowing and for 63.1 % at 10-day delayed sowing, respectively, compared to inbred L773. In all three intervals observed, the decrease of Pi content was highly correlated with Pphy content increase for both genotypes. Based on lower accumulation rate, followed by lower Pphy content (2.635 mg g-1) during the stage of physiological maturuty, it could be concluded that inbred L217 could be considered as potentialy suitable genotype for low-phytic hybride selection.
grain yield,inorganic phosphorus,phytic phosphorus,Zea mays L
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