Both Intrinsic Substrate Preference and Network Context Contribute to Substrate Selection of Classical Tyrosine Phosphatases

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2017)

引用 7|浏览74
Reversible tyrosine phosphorylation is a widespread post-translational modification mechanism underlying cell physiology. Thus, understanding the mechanisms responsible for substrate selection by kinases and phosphatases is central to our ability to model signal transduction at a system level. Classical protein- tyrosine phosphatases can exhibit substrate specificity in vivo by combining intrinsic enzymatic specificity with the network of protein-protein interactions, which positions the enzymes in close proximity to their substrates. Here we use a high throughput approach, based on high density phosphopep-tide chips, to determine the in vitro substrate preference of 16 members of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase family. This approach helped identify one residue in the substrate binding pocket of the phosphatase domain that confers specificity for phosphopeptides in a specific sequence context. We also present a Bayesian model that combines intrinsic enzymatic specificity and interaction information in the context of the human protein interaction network to infer new phosphatase substrates at the proteome level.
peptide array,protein-protein interaction,substrate specificity,systems biology,tyrosine-protein phosphatase (tyrosine phosphatase),Bayesian integration,recognition specificity,trapping mutants
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