Fate of Pediatric Renal Angiomyolipoma During mTOR Inhibitor Treatment in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical and radiographic follow-up of renal angiomyolipoma (AML) in pediatric patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) on mTOR inhibitors. METHODS We performed retrospective chart review of children who were diagnosed with TSC between 2000 and 2019 and prescribed everolimus at age >= 18 years. Treatment assessment was performed in patients who were medically-compliant by serum drug trough levels and who had at least a baseline and one subsequent renal imaging study. RESULTS Nineteen patients were analyzed. Average age of everolimus initiation was 9 years, and indication was neurologic in 17 (90%). Fourteen patients (73.6%) had AML with average size of 1.9 (0.4-5) cm. Medication was discontinued due to side effects in 3 (16%) patients. Treatment assessment was analyzed for 15 patients with median medication exposure 5.1 (0.8-8.5) years. Among 13 with AML, the dominant lesion decreased in size in 9 (69%) and stayed stable in 4 (31%). Greatest absolute size decrease was seen for lesions >= 2 cm. No new AML lesions formed during treatment. CONCLUSION Although not currently approved for this indication, everolimus appears to be well-tolerated with similar efficacy for pediatric AML as in adult AML. Use may be most warranted in children with AML >= 2 cm. (c) 2020 Elsevier Inc.
Angiomyolipoma,everolimus,pediatrics,renal tumors,sirolimus,tuberous sclerosis
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