Diabetes Care: "Taking It To The Limit One More Time"


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With this January 2017 issue, our editorial team celebrates its 5-year anniversary at the helm of Diabetes Care . In 2012, when we accepted the assignment to oversee the scientific aspects of the journal, we envisioned that the editorial for this January 2017 issue would be our opportunity to thank the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for allowing us to lead this effort, to thank our reviewers and associate editors for their tireless efforts, and to thank the readers for their valuable suggestions and ideas. However, we are now writing to inform you that those plans have been put on hold. Our editorial team has been given the opportunity to continue to guide Diabetes Care for another 2-year period. We have accepted the invitation primarily because our “team” (including the editorial committee, editorial office, and publications staff) feels we still have creative ideas to make the journal better and considerable energy to bring these ideas to fruition. Therefore, suffice it to say, we remain honored to continue to lead Diabetes Care for this extended period.It has been our custom to summarize our productivity and achievements in both the January and June issues of each year. This year we believe the trajectory of quality continues to rise. We hope you will also agree when reading the summary presented in this narrative. We feel each year’s monthly issues have surpassed the prior year’s work, and year 2016 is no exception! As we described in July of 2016, we aim to provide the readers with lagniappe—“a little something extra”! (1).This past year the editorial team took our initiative to another level devoting several monthly issues to specific clinical or research topics. A current summary of all thematic monthly issues can be found in our Diabetes Care Online Collections (http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes-care-online-collections). In the …
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