THU0065 Potential Predictors for Achieving and/or Maintaining Low Disease Activity or Remission in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis


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Background Treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) such as etanercept (ETN) is effective in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, not all patients respond to treatment. Physicians would be able to better provide the best treatment to their patients if there were criteria that identified potential good responders to TNFi therapy. Objectives To evaluate criteria at baseline for their predictive value for (1) initial response to ETN treatment at week 24, and (2) for maintaining low disease activity (LDA) or remission at week 52 using data from the T2T trial (NCT01981473). Methods Patients with moderate-to-severe RA were treated with 50 mg ETN (ETN50) on a background of methotrexate ± disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for 24 weeks (open-label, Period 1 (P1)). Patients achieving LDA (Disease Activity Score-28 joints (DAS28)–erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Results Evaluable data were available for 473 of the 491 patients enrolled in P1. After 24 weeks of ETN treatment (end of P1), only being female (p=0.031) and using DMARDs (p=0.029) were predictive of patients being able to achieve DAS28-ESR LDA ( Conclusions In this post-hoc analysis, younger patients and patients with lower disease activity at baseline or shorter time to achieve LDA were more likely to achieve and maintain LDA or remission. Acknowledgement Medical writing support was provided by Mukund Nori, PhD, MBA, CMPP, of Engage Scientific Solutions and funded by Pfizer. Disclosure of Interest N. Akkoc Grant/research support from: Pfizer, UCB, MSD, Speakers bureau: Pfizer, AbbVie, MSD, UCB, C. A. Zerbini Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Consultant for: Pfizer, D. Karateev Grant/research support from: Pfizer, BMS, Consultant for: AbbVie, BMS, Celltrion, MSD, Pfizer, Speakers bureau: AbbVie, BMS, Medac, MSD, Pfizer, UCB, R. Pedersen Shareholder of: Pfizer, Employee of: Pfizer, B. Vlahos Shareholder of: Pfizer, Employee of: Pfizer, L. Marshall Shareholder of: Pfizer, Employee of: Pfizer, C. Bao: None declared, M. Al-Maini: None declared, Q. Shen Shareholder of: Pfizer, Employee of: Pfizer
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