Quantised acoustic meta-surfaces using metamaterial bricks

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(2016)

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Acoustic meta-surfaces offer an extremely successful way of transforming an input acoustic wave into almost any diffraction-limited field. This is typically achieved by encoding a phase delay function on the unit cells that form the meta-surface, which is then manufactured by rapid prototyping. One of the limits of current technology is that meta-surfaces built in this way are targeted to a single, specific application. In this work, we present a method of building acoustic meta-surfaces using metamaterial bricks, designed to operate at 40 kHz and quantized both in the space and in the phase domains. First, we present finite-elements simulations and experiments to discuss key parameters of our bricks as frequency response, directivity, impedance. Second, our metamaterial bricks are used here to achieve some key beam transformations like steering and focusing, but also more complex fields like an acoustic tractor beam. We use the latter to levitate one or more polystyrene beads and diffraction theory to ex...
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