Short and long term knowledge of the transmission and prevention of soil transmitted helminths in primary schoolchildren assessed using Turning Point Technologies

Tp Noël, C Radix, Paul J. Fields, J Rayner, Cnl Macpherson

Indian medical journal(2015)

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OBJECTIVE: This study formed part of a soil transmitted helminth (STH) elimination program in Grenada. This study assessed the short and long term knowledge of primary school children on the transmission and prevention of STH using Turning Point Technologies. DESIGN AND METHODS: A longitudinal study was carried out on schoolchildren attending 39 out of all 54 (72.2%) primary schools from Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique between March and November 2014. The schools were randomly selected for inclusion in the study. Turning Point Technology was used to assess the knowledge and administer the subsequent intervention to all students. The Pre, immediate-Post and long-term Post intervention (seven months later) data was analyzed using Chi Square. RESULTS: A total of 962 students participated in March 2014 and 805 students participated in October 2014. There was no significant (p
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