X-Ray Radiation From Puff-On-Wire Implosions On The Cobra Generator

N. D. Ouart, J. L. Giuliani,A. Dasgupta,A. L. Velikovich,J. Engelbrecht,P. De Grouchy,N. Qi,T. Shelkovenko,S. Pikuz,B. Kusse,D. Hammer, J. P. Apruzese, R. W. Clark

Bulletin of the American Physical Society(2016)

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Substantial progress has been made in developing plasma radiation sources from Z-pinch implosions. University pulsed power machines provide a cost effective platform to study alternative mechanisms of producing x-rays in exploratory experiments that may provide guidance in search of further improvements on the larger machines. Radiation from puff-on-wire implosions were studied by Chuvatin et al. [1] and Wessel et al. [2]. We report recent observations and modeling of puff-on-wire implosions using the 1 MA COBRA generator in the long pulse mode. The gas puff used neon, argon, or krypton and the wire material was either copper or manganin 290 (84% Cu, 12% Mn, 4% Ni). The diagnostics include time-integrated pinhole cameras, time-integrated axially resolved spectra, multiple filtered PCDs and Si-diodes, and time-gated XUV cameras. X-ray radiation from the gas puff and K-alpha lines from wire material was detected and the radiation pulse was reproducible. A 1-D multi-zone non-LTE kinetics code with radiation transport will be used to model the radiation to infer the plasma conditions.
krypton,argon,neon,long pulse mode,pulsed power machines,Z-pinch implosions,plasma radiation sources,COBRA generator,puff-on-wire implosions,X-ray radiation,current 1 MA,Kr,Ne,Ar,Cu
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