M-and-C Domain Map Maker: an environment complimenting MDE with M-and-C knowledge and ensuring solution completeness

Proceedings of SPIE(2016)

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Model Driven Engineering (MDE) as a key driver to reduce development cost of M&C systems is beginning to find acceptance across scientific instruments such as Radio Telescopes and Nuclear Reactors. Such projects are adopting it to reduce time to integrate, test and simulate their individual controllers and increase reusability and traceability in the process. The creation and maintenance of models is still a significant challenge to realizing MDE benefits. Creating domain-specific modelling environments reduces the barriers, and we have been working along these lines, creating a domain-specific language and environment based on an M&C knowledge model. However, large projects involve several such domains, and there is still a need to interconnect the domain models, in order to ensure modelling completeness. This paper presents a knowledge-centric approach to doing that, by creating a generic system model that underlies the individual domain knowledge models. We present our vision for M&C Domain Map Maker, a set of processes and tools that enables explication of domain knowledge in terms of domain models with mutual consistency relationships to aid MDE.
Model driven engineering,systems engineering,knowledge centric modelling,monitoring and control,domain specific language,domain map,correctness,system map
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