The GIRE2 model and its application to the Europa mission

2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference(2016)

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We present an empirical model of Jupiter's electron radiation environment and its application to the design of the future NASA mission to Europa. The model is based on data from the Galileo spacecraft. Measurements of the high-energy, omni-directional electrons from the Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) and magnetic field from the Magnetometer (MAG) onboard Galileo are used for this purpose. Ten-minute averages of the EPD data are used to provide an omni-directional electron flux spectrum at 0.238, 0.416, 0.706, 1.5, 2.0, and 11.0 MeV. Additionally, data from the Geiger Tube Telescope onboard Pioneer 10 and 11 are used to calculate the flux of 31 MeV electrons. The Galileo Interim Radiation Electron model v.2 (GIRE2) combines these datasets with the original Divine model and synchrotron observations to estimate the trapped electron radiation environment. Unlike the original Divine model, which was based on flybys of the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft, the new GIRE2 model covers about 7 years of data and more than 30 orbits around Jupiter from the Galileo spacecraft. The model represents a step forward in the study of the Jovian radiation environment and is a valuable tool to assist in the design of future missions to Jupiter. This paper gives an overview of GIRE2 and focuses on its application to the design of the future NASA mission to Europa. The spacecraft will orbit Jupiter and perform multiple flybys of the moon Europa, which is embedded in the middle of a very strong radiation environment. The radiation environment surrounding the moon as well as along the trajectory are described in the paper together with the implications of this environment on the design of a mission.
GIRE2 model,Europa mission,Jupiter electron radiation environment,NASA mission,Galileo spacecraft,Energetic Particle Detector,magnetic field,EPD data,omni-directional electron flux spectrum,Geiger Tube Telescope,Pioneer 10,Pioneer 11,Galileo Interim Radiation Electron model,trapped electron radiation environment,original Divine model,Jovian radiation environment,mission design
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