Topology optimization of planar linkage systems involving general joint types

Mechanism and Machine Theory(2016)

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The simultaneous synthesis of the number and dimension of planar linkage mechanisms has opened a new possibility in mechanism synthesis. Mechanisms with revolute joints were a main concern so far but planar mechanisms with general joints including prismatic joints cannot be synthesized. This study aims to overcome the current difficult by proposing a new synthesis method. The key idea in the proposed approach is to parameterize joint types directly, unlike earlier methods parameterizing ground link skeletons connected by revolute joints. So, we propose a new concept of “double-springs” that can be used to connect a finite number of ground rectangular rigid blocks that discretize a given synthesis domain. Rigid blocks are elaborately connected by two sets of one-dimensional springs, i.e., double-springs and their stiffness values are varied by design variables. The connectivity of the double-springs dictated by the stiffness values determines the synthesized link mechanisms. We explain why it is crucial to use the double-spring concept for the synthesis of general joints such as prismatic joints. Various benchmark problems were considered to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
Spring-connected block model,Planar linkage mechanism,Automatic mechanism synthesis,Topology optimization,General joint types
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