Fourth International Workshop on Behavior Change Support Systems (BCSS'16): Epic for Change, the Pillars for Persuasive Technology for Smart Societies

international conference on persuasive technology(2016)

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Emergent technologies allow gathering larger amounts of data from multiple sources, e.g., multi-sensor data and self-tracking data, that can be used for customization and personalization purposes. So far, the capacities of technologies to change behaviors and to continuously monitor the progress and effects of interventions are not yet being used to its full potential. The BCSS workshop series is the primary meeting for researchers and practitioners interested in how interactive technologies and services can influence peopleu0027s attitudes and support positive behavior change. This interactive workshop acts as a forum where multidisciplinary researchers, practitioners and experts from a variety of scientific domains, such as information sciences, psychology, human-computer interaction, industrial design and medicine present their work, discuss and position new avenues for data driven persuasive coaching systems, e.g. to personalize healthcare. We present the pillars for persuasive technology and a holistic concept u0027EPIC for Changeu0027: Engagement, Personalization, Integration and Connectivity for Change in individual and community care to create smart environments with persuasive technology for solving societal challenges.
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